
AP: Lisa Murkowski wins Alaska Senate race

Joe Miller told Fox News that he's not conceding and will decide later if he'll ask for a recount.

Asked if he was pursuing something akincheap nfl jerseys to Custer's last stand, Miller said: "We want to pursue this to ensure there is integrity and a consistent standard" when it comes to counting votes.

Update at 4:19 p.m. ET: Murkowski posted a note on her campaign website asking supporters to show up at Laborers Hall in Anchorage at 6 p.m. local time. AP reports no comment yet from the senator or Miller.

Still unclear is what Miller, a Tea Party favorite backed by formerPatriots Jersey Alaska governor Sarah Palin, will do. He filed a federal lawsuit last week trying to ensure that elections officials would only accept ballots that correctly and clearly spelled Murkowski's last name.

Murkowski and Palin have a history of bad blood: Palin defeated Murkowski's father, Frank, for governor in 2006. The senator said earlier this week that she did not believe Palin had the "intellectual curiosity" to be president.

Update at 3: 12 p.m. ET: The Associated Press says Sen. Lisa Murkowski has won the Alaska Senate race.

The Republican senator is the first Senate candidate Ravens Jerseyto be elected by write-in ballot since Strom Thurmond in 1954.

The AP says Murkowski's victory "became clear" when Alaska election officials confirmed they had only about 700 votes left to count, which puts the senator in "safe territory" to beat Tea Party rival Joe Miller, who defeated her in the state's GOP primary.

Update at 2:25 p.m. ET: The AP and other news outlets are reporting that MurkowskiSteelers Jersey is on her way home to Alaska as her lead over rival Miller expands.

Our original post begins after the jump:

The write-in ballotsJets Jersey in Alaska's heated Senate race are practically all counted , but Tea Party favorite Joe Miller is already hankering for a new tally -- to be done by hand.

GOP incumbent Sen. Lisa Murkowski appears to have enough of the write-in votes to win the bitter contest. She launched the write-in bid after Miller defeated her in an upset in the Republican primary.

Miller spokesman Randy DeSoto told the Anchorage Daily News on Tuesday night that it's not over til it's over.

"Given how close the vote totals are,Saints Jersey Miller needs to be given the same opportunity of having all of his ballots inspected and counted by hand to ensure every vote cast for him is counted," DeSoto told the newspaper in a statement.

Gail Fenumiai, director of Alaska's Division of Elections, is quoted that the state doesn't do recounts by hand. "Recounts are done using the optical scan equipment," she said in an e-mail.

Murkowski's campaign wants Miller to live up to his previous Packers Jerseyremarks that he'll give up if the votes don't add up. "We expect Mr. Miller to keep his word," campaign manager Kevin Sweeney said.

Will Miller, who has already filed a federal lawsuit to make sure the write-in ballots spell Murkowski's name correctly, go to court again?

