
Redistricting, Up Close and Personal

By now you have probably seen the ads here and elsewhere about what an incredibly dangerous man Elton Gallegly is, particularly since he is the chairman of the House Immigration Committee. An entrenched Republican, Gallegly courts the local Tea Party while stoking anti-immigrant hate wherever he goes.

You may also have heard that Gallegly is in danger of being redistricted out of office. California's redistricting plans are being drawn by citizens. It is bipartisan and the commission has drafted a plan that ends the incessant gerrymandering that allows people like Elton Gallegly to be elected over and over again.

But. There's always a but. This area is a weird blend of hardcore racist types and a younger, more hip demographic. The redistricting plans are actually quite sensible, splitting Simi Valley away from the coastal cities and including them in a district that extends into Los Angeles County. Yes, that Simi Valley, the conservative bedroom community where people who work in the Valley live so they don't have to live in the Valley.

Turns out, Simi Valley folks don't care for this plan. Not only don't they like it, they made their feelings known loudly, clearly, and obnoxiously about a week ago.

